The Munay-Ki Archetypes The next step in Evolution! Acknowledgement -
The Archetypes
The archetypes are organizing principles of the Universe. They have been planted as seeds in each of your chakras. It is important to remember that you have received them as seeds, they are pure potential – it is your relationship with them that will grow them into the powerful forces that inform your chakras in new ways. That is why we do fire ceremonies, to grow these seeds with fire. As you develop your own relationship with the archetypes, your descriptions will evolve from your experience and become your own.
Serpent: Each of the archetypal animals exudes a different flavor of energy. Serpent symbolizes knowledge, sexuality and healing. Perhaps the most universal archetype, serpent has always represented the healing power of nature. The staff of medicine, or Caduceus, is formed by two serpents intertwined around a rod. The serpent teaches us to shed our past the way she sheds her skin so we may walk with beauty on the belly of the Mother.
Jaguar: Where serpent represents the power of healing which is gradual and incremental; jaguar stands for sudden transformation. That which endures is always changing and renewing itself; that which remains unchanged perishes. We can transform our bodies so that they heal more rapidly and age more elegantly by embodying the forces represented by jaguar. Consider the metaphor that we have nine lives, like cats. When we reach the end of one of these lifetimes (others might call them stages or phases), it is important to give the old self a decent burial, and then leap like a jaguar into who we are becoming. Otherwise, we can spend years patching and fixing an old self which we have outgrown. Jaguar teaches us to step beyond fear, violence and death. She is the life force of the jungle and the steward of the life force.
Hummingbird: Represents the courage required to embark on an epic journey, much like hummingbirds migrate over the Atlantic every year from Brazil to Canada. Once touched by the energies of this archetype, we are propelled on our own epic journey that eventually leads us back to our source, where our spirit was spawned. When you do not have enough time, money or know-how for what you are attempting, hummingbird can provide the courage and guidance necessary for success. Hummingbird drinks only from the nectar of life, seeking the flowers not the garbage, knowing stillness even in motion. Not built for flight yet undertaking and accomplishing the impossible journey.
Condor or Eagle: Eagle perceives the entire panorama of life without becoming bogged down in its details. The energies of eagle assist us in finding the guiding vision of our lives. The eyes of the condor see into the past and the future, helping to know where we come from, and who we are becoming. Eagle allows us to rise above the mundane battles that occupy our lives and consume our energy and attention. Eagle gives us wings to soar above trivial day-to-day struggles, into the high peaks close to Heaven. Eagle and condor represent the self-transcending principle in nature. Eagle pushes us out of the nest to spread our own wings so that we may always fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.
Huascar: Lord of life, Lord of death -the harmonizing principle of the Lower World, our inner world. He/she is the renewer of the Earth and our own personal need of renewing those fields that are fallow, those places that need aerating. The gift of Huascar is a harmonic relationship with our inner shadow and hidden places.
Quetzelcoatl: Lord of the dawn, Day Bringer, Morning Star. Quetzal is a beautiful jungle bird and coatl is the feathered serpent represented by the Caduceus of Western Medicine. As the organizer of the middle world, when you come into relationship with Quetzlcoatl you don’t have to micromanage your life.
Pachakuti: Keeper of the possibilities and the organizing principle of the heavenly Upper World, Pachakuti embodies the concept of circular time, stepping outside of linear time to make time stand still and bring heavenly order.
Heaven and Earth Life is a delicate balance between the changing and the unchanging. The Earthkeepers believe the LEF has three parts. When people die, one part of their essence (the changing) returns to the Earth, to be reabsorbed into nature and become one with all life. Another part (power and wisdom) returns to the sacred mountains, and a third part (the unchanging) returns to the Sun. Earth is the receptive and nurturing principle with power to mulch and renew. When saluting the Earth we acknowledge our relationship with all life forms, from the trees to the fishes, the birds, and the stones, the four legged and the two legged. When saluting the Heavens we acknowledge our star brother and sisters, and we dedicate our healing effort to the Great Spirit, the Creator of all.