Personal Year Map or Birthday Year Map
an Empowerment Tool
![]() A Year Map Reading is personalized to you for 12 months ahead, either from Jan - Dec or from your birthday month for 12 months ahead.
It is a document of approximately 45 pages holding information that pertinent to you. This year map holds information regarding your personal numerology and relevant information on a monthly basis, as guided by your Soul. This is a wonderful tool for Self-empowerment and growth. An extraordinary gift to you! Book Online to the Right of this Page, or email Linda. You will receive your detailed Year Map within 7 days from payment. About the Year Map
Be the change you wish to see in the world! This Year Map is a Spiritual Tool to help you use your year constructively in unimaginable ways, month to month! This tool is as good as the effort you put into using it. I have offered this body of work for approximately 14 years and many have benefited greatly from it. Annually I receive requests from them for their next 12 months ahead. In the reading that I will prepare you, Year Map for a twelve-month period ahead. This map will reveal to you, on a month-to-month basis, what it is that you need to focus your attention on during each month, in order to facilitate personal growth through changing that, which no longer serves a purpose for you and your life. It reveals the important aspects that you need to “see” in order to affect the relevant change required within you, to further your potential in every way. In the year map you are also provided with information regarding your personal numerology that is reflected by your birth date and the names given to you as per your birth certificate. The numerology you will receive is: Your Life Path Number, Destiny Number, Soul Number, Personal Year Number and Personal month number. Once you receive the emailed year from me, it is important for you to work with each month as it presents itself by reading through the month, set your intentions for that month and at the end of the month, you note down what all transpired for you during that month. This is a beautiful way of working with what is presenting itself to you and it keeps you present in the moment. This is an amazing self-empowerment Tool. |

Facing our fears has been an ongoing process on so many levels for each one of us. However, once we see the fear for what it is, we are able to move forward and take more informed decisions about ourselves and our future, with greater clarity and purpose.
The Journey of your life is like a stage production, with you as the director and lead player in it. Whatever the story-line, it is your drama. You make the relevant choices and changes to suit yourself in each moment. This story is about you - it is yours and yours only! All the other people present in your life are the actors who share your stage with you in your drama - some are there for long periods and others for just moments. They are the catalysts who share your life in that moment, ensuring that you experience exactly what you need to, in order to further your Soul-plan and purpose with potential growth.
Where are you in your play of life at the moment? Are you the one who sits on the side-line and watch because you are too fearful or afraid to participate; or are you the one who is a puppet in someone else's hand, allowing them to pull the strings and direct as they choose, while you merrily go along with it; or are you the one who knows deep inside who you are and where you are heading towards?
We are all realizing more and more that what happens in our life story is determined by us! This is our journey that was never meant to be determined by anyone else outside of us. Each choice we make consciously or unconsciously affects the next step and chapter of our life in one way or another. Often these choices are made in accordance with our conditioning and belief systems in place and with the knowledge available to us in that moment. This does not make it a "good, bad, wrong or right" choice or decision as every choice/decision we take, allows an opportunity to further grow through our experiences, bringing us greater understanding and wisdom.
As the director of your play, (in line with your year map as an additional tool) you assess your progress ongoing, ensuring that it flows and becomes a memorable and worthwhile experience! This too is the scenario of your life ... where you re-focus, re-direct and re-evaluate where you are, what you are passionate about and where you are heading to. You take the necessary actions required to achieve what you have set out to do creatively, in a loving and joyful way and allowing flow and pleasure, instead of heartache and disruption. You no longer give your power to others, wait for them to pull the strings or do for you. Instead, you take the bull by the horns so to speak, make your own choices and decisions and do for you and in so doing, you accept that your experiences have nothing to do with anyone outside of you, but has everything to do with your personal ascension and Soul-growth.
True empowerment is when you take yourself seriously enough to show up in your life, to be responsible and accountable for your actions or lack of actions - when you give yourself time to find out what and who you are, what you are passionate about and where you wish to go to. Once this is clear you can set your plan in action by taking the necessary steps in love and joy, without judgment and criticism and feel good about yourself and your life, in every way!
The Journey of your life is like a stage production, with you as the director and lead player in it. Whatever the story-line, it is your drama. You make the relevant choices and changes to suit yourself in each moment. This story is about you - it is yours and yours only! All the other people present in your life are the actors who share your stage with you in your drama - some are there for long periods and others for just moments. They are the catalysts who share your life in that moment, ensuring that you experience exactly what you need to, in order to further your Soul-plan and purpose with potential growth.
Where are you in your play of life at the moment? Are you the one who sits on the side-line and watch because you are too fearful or afraid to participate; or are you the one who is a puppet in someone else's hand, allowing them to pull the strings and direct as they choose, while you merrily go along with it; or are you the one who knows deep inside who you are and where you are heading towards?
We are all realizing more and more that what happens in our life story is determined by us! This is our journey that was never meant to be determined by anyone else outside of us. Each choice we make consciously or unconsciously affects the next step and chapter of our life in one way or another. Often these choices are made in accordance with our conditioning and belief systems in place and with the knowledge available to us in that moment. This does not make it a "good, bad, wrong or right" choice or decision as every choice/decision we take, allows an opportunity to further grow through our experiences, bringing us greater understanding and wisdom.
As the director of your play, (in line with your year map as an additional tool) you assess your progress ongoing, ensuring that it flows and becomes a memorable and worthwhile experience! This too is the scenario of your life ... where you re-focus, re-direct and re-evaluate where you are, what you are passionate about and where you are heading to. You take the necessary actions required to achieve what you have set out to do creatively, in a loving and joyful way and allowing flow and pleasure, instead of heartache and disruption. You no longer give your power to others, wait for them to pull the strings or do for you. Instead, you take the bull by the horns so to speak, make your own choices and decisions and do for you and in so doing, you accept that your experiences have nothing to do with anyone outside of you, but has everything to do with your personal ascension and Soul-growth.
True empowerment is when you take yourself seriously enough to show up in your life, to be responsible and accountable for your actions or lack of actions - when you give yourself time to find out what and who you are, what you are passionate about and where you wish to go to. Once this is clear you can set your plan in action by taking the necessary steps in love and joy, without judgment and criticism and feel good about yourself and your life, in every way!
Previous Participant's Comments
Thank you Linda for a fantastic day. It has been so informative and I am so excited for the year ahead!
It is helpful to attend and a great reminder that I create my own life. I love the new .... mandalas. Can't wait to use them!
I had fun fo the first time at a workshop
Loved the new format - helps to keep it different and interesting. Need my yearly planner to get into my year. Thanks Linda.
I would highly recommend using a laptop in this workshop, Very informative and exciting to see it all fit together and looking forward to working through it and experiencing the shifts.
This workshop has given me the guidance that I need to heal myself and be the best that I can be. Thank you ever so much!
So glad we are doing it on a laptop. Amazing workshop. Am truly blessed to attend it! See you next year!
Thank you Linda for bringing this creative work to us, which helps us enormously on discovering our Path as well as healing ourselves.
It was an eye opener and a great way to start the year. I will definitely be doing again next year! Thank you very much.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. I appreciate it very much. God bless you!
Thank you - was lovely. Well done. Very inspirational.
Interesting to see how each month builds onto the next....
Thank you so much - it was so inspirational as well as being so enjoyable and very useful.
The energy of the venue - brilliant as always! Lovely workshop - plenty to think about and to put into action.
A fantastic workshop to focus our visions and goals towards 'things' coming our way. A great tool to work with awareness.
Wonderful, thought inspiring day. My third year and each one better than the last!
Fantastic and most interesting day. Loved the vibe and energy in the workshop.
Thank you so much for sharing this wealth of information. I am excited to face the year with humility, love and appreciation in my heart.
Thank you Linda. The timing is perfect and the experience has been profound.
What can I say but amazing and really helpful to guide us at a level of Spirit.
The whole workshop has been brilliant.
I wanted to thank you so much the workshop, I was beyond amazed with what happened in the workshop. It was like having a movie of your life played out in from of your eyes… and your eyes cannot close, and the pause button is hit until you "get it ".It was so nice to get away from the other world and step into the world that has been created at Shanthi. The feeling of peace and security and love in those walls is truly amazing. Linda, in you we had a warm and caring facilitator, The fact that you went to so much trouble to make each of us feel important is remarkable, it must have been a long , long day for you too. Yet you have a smile on your face all day, and a kind word every time.
Once again thank you for allowing me the space and methods that aligns me to my Soul's calling - and you do it so nicely!
I am joyous and happy to have the opportunity to attend this workshop. The intention is set.
Loved it, so much more peaceful and relaxed this year. Working at our own pace was great! Loved the music!
Just loved today. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
What a fantastic way to start the New Year. The accuracy is amazing and it was so much fun to create and play. Thank you!
Wonderful, lovely! Thank you for sharing the knowledge with us!
I loved this workshop and the facilitator's gentle energy. This Year Planner will prove invaluable. Bless you and thank you Linda.
Brilliant, thoroughly enjoyed it. Useful and practical guidance to tackle this year's challenges. Equipped to take informed decisions. Thank you.
Wonderful course. Thank you so much for all the inspiration. Very organized, lots of fun, lovely environment. Much appreciated!
The workshop was highly informative, helpful and an Annual must have. Your gentle approach is immensely appreciated.
Very honest, compassionate and helpful. Thank you.
I have found the workshop most interesting. Many thanks for a lovely and inspiring day!
Was not too sure what it was all about initially but was pleasantly surprised when I started.
Wonderful day. Thanks so, so much. Needed this to focus myself.
Fantastic workshop. I was not bored, fount it very insightful. Thank you.
Intensive workshop but I feel some real work was done and it will be very helpful during the year.
Thank you, it was great! And you were great, came across gentle and caring.
It is helpful to attend and a great reminder that I create my own life. I love the new .... mandalas. Can't wait to use them!
I had fun fo the first time at a workshop
Loved the new format - helps to keep it different and interesting. Need my yearly planner to get into my year. Thanks Linda.
I would highly recommend using a laptop in this workshop, Very informative and exciting to see it all fit together and looking forward to working through it and experiencing the shifts.
This workshop has given me the guidance that I need to heal myself and be the best that I can be. Thank you ever so much!
So glad we are doing it on a laptop. Amazing workshop. Am truly blessed to attend it! See you next year!
Thank you Linda for bringing this creative work to us, which helps us enormously on discovering our Path as well as healing ourselves.
It was an eye opener and a great way to start the year. I will definitely be doing again next year! Thank you very much.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me. I appreciate it very much. God bless you!
Thank you - was lovely. Well done. Very inspirational.
Interesting to see how each month builds onto the next....
Thank you so much - it was so inspirational as well as being so enjoyable and very useful.
The energy of the venue - brilliant as always! Lovely workshop - plenty to think about and to put into action.
A fantastic workshop to focus our visions and goals towards 'things' coming our way. A great tool to work with awareness.
Wonderful, thought inspiring day. My third year and each one better than the last!
Fantastic and most interesting day. Loved the vibe and energy in the workshop.
Thank you so much for sharing this wealth of information. I am excited to face the year with humility, love and appreciation in my heart.
Thank you Linda. The timing is perfect and the experience has been profound.
What can I say but amazing and really helpful to guide us at a level of Spirit.
The whole workshop has been brilliant.
I wanted to thank you so much the workshop, I was beyond amazed with what happened in the workshop. It was like having a movie of your life played out in from of your eyes… and your eyes cannot close, and the pause button is hit until you "get it ".It was so nice to get away from the other world and step into the world that has been created at Shanthi. The feeling of peace and security and love in those walls is truly amazing. Linda, in you we had a warm and caring facilitator, The fact that you went to so much trouble to make each of us feel important is remarkable, it must have been a long , long day for you too. Yet you have a smile on your face all day, and a kind word every time.
Once again thank you for allowing me the space and methods that aligns me to my Soul's calling - and you do it so nicely!
I am joyous and happy to have the opportunity to attend this workshop. The intention is set.
Loved it, so much more peaceful and relaxed this year. Working at our own pace was great! Loved the music!
Just loved today. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
What a fantastic way to start the New Year. The accuracy is amazing and it was so much fun to create and play. Thank you!
Wonderful, lovely! Thank you for sharing the knowledge with us!
I loved this workshop and the facilitator's gentle energy. This Year Planner will prove invaluable. Bless you and thank you Linda.
Brilliant, thoroughly enjoyed it. Useful and practical guidance to tackle this year's challenges. Equipped to take informed decisions. Thank you.
Wonderful course. Thank you so much for all the inspiration. Very organized, lots of fun, lovely environment. Much appreciated!
The workshop was highly informative, helpful and an Annual must have. Your gentle approach is immensely appreciated.
Very honest, compassionate and helpful. Thank you.
I have found the workshop most interesting. Many thanks for a lovely and inspiring day!
Was not too sure what it was all about initially but was pleasantly surprised when I started.
Wonderful day. Thanks so, so much. Needed this to focus myself.
Fantastic workshop. I was not bored, fount it very insightful. Thank you.
Intensive workshop but I feel some real work was done and it will be very helpful during the year.
Thank you, it was great! And you were great, came across gentle and caring.