Lightarian Attunements
Journey to the divine spark within, creating unity with oneness.
Journey to the divine spark within, creating unity with oneness.
the foundation journey
Lightarian Angellinks ™
There are five attunements which provide angelic inspiration and support, while assisting you in embodying their pure angelic qualities and expanding them into all areas of your life.
An Angellink is a simple, etheric energy connection, established during a simple guided meditation that is permanently established between an individual and a particular angelic being. In general terms, the Angellinks have been inspired by Seraph Rose Aura and the Archangels in this energetic way and are empowered to share the Angellinks with others serving as a conduit for propagating these angelic qualities and patterns throughout humanity.
This connection could be viewed as a specific event, which launches an energetic process as you begin to integrate new angelic energies into your energy fields. An Angellink creates a unique, empowering relationship between the angelic being and all levels of your energies. (Guideline 7 days apart)
Lightarian Rays ™
These six attunements, energetically accelerate your Spiritual Development connecting you with the Ascended Masters, each in a simple guided meditation session. Each Ray has a particular focus and intention to support an essential aspect of your personal development with more grace and joy than you would naturally experience.
Much like a musical instrument can be tuned, via the Lightarian Rays your subtle energy fields can be “attuned” with higher vibrational energies of the Masters. The energy work set in motion by these attunements cumulatively creates an ongoing, long-term transformational process for you. Once you are attuned via the Rays, the Masters serve as your guides in the background, all in complete collaboration with your Higher Self energies. (Guideline 7 days apart)
Lightarian Reiki ™
Once you have completed the foundational teachings of Usui Reiki, you will now be ready to move up through higher levels.These higher frequency healing energies will flow to the most appropriate places within your subtle energy fields and physical body to stimulate the healing process in ways that will serve your highest and greatest purpose. Many aspects and levels of your physical and subtle bodies will be affected by these healing energies.
The vibrational nature of the Lightarian Reiki energies - There are many types of Reiki available today. They include some form of energetic attunement with higher vibrational healing energies. From our perspective, all of these systems for delivering Reiki energies emanate from the Ascended Master Buddha. Through the channeling process, we have learnt that there are a total of eight vibrational bands of Reiki healing energies, much like there are distinct primary color bands associated with the spectrum of visible light. Usui and Karuna Reiki represent the first two vibrations in the overall vibrational spectrum of Reiki energies. Lightarian Reiki occupies the six upper vibrational bands.
Lightarian Reiki which has been brought forth from Ascended Master Buddha at this time to awaken humanity during these transformational times, as humanity enters a new phase of its experience. Lightarian Reiki is being offered in order to accelerate our personal healing process, raise our vibration and prepare us for higher service. (Guideline 30 days apart)
Here is a direct channeled quotation from Ascended Master Buddha: - "It is my intention to reawaken humanity to the sacred levels of higher vibrational bands of Reiki-to assist humans as they enter this new phase of their existence. My heart’s desire is to have the use of Reiki Ray clarified, demystified and expanded. I offer this special gift of Lightarian Reiki to all humans to accelerate their healing, raise their vibration and prepare them to become the new human species".
Lightarian Ascension Bands ™
This program offers six Bands of divine Buddhic energies, without being on a Reiki path. The sacred levels of higher vibrational energy accelerate healing, raising individual vibration and supporting the process of Self expansion through this new phase we have moved into. (Guideline 21 days apart)
Note: Ascended Master Buddha is not to be confused with the incarnational, historic Buddha. The Ascended Master Buddha is a divine and god-like creator source energy with an infinite number of sparks of consciousness. So when we refer to Ascended Master Buddha we are referring to one of the huge spiritual beings of the Ascended Master Realms and not the lower incarnational Buddha that most people are familiar with. The incarnational Buddha was simply a tiny aspect of the greater energy of the Ascended Master Buddha.
Who can receive Lightarian Ascension Bands™ and how is it passed to them?- Anyone is able to receive the Lightarian Ascension Bands™. This program is designed to be received by those that are on a true Self-Actualization path.
Lightarian Ascension Bands™ are passed along from the Lightarian Ascension Band™ Facilitator/Teacher to students via a program consisting of two parts....a Question & Answer (Q&A) Style Training followed by an energetic Attunement. The Q&A Training can be provided in-person, by telephone, or E-mail. The Attunement is in the form of a simple guided meditation...where no symbols are used or needed...and can be delivered in-person, by telephone or remotely.
How can Attunements be given by telephone or remotely, and how effective are they? - When given by phone or remotely, Lightarian attunements are simply an extension of the principle of working energetically at a distance. There are no limitations in transcending time and space except the ones that we humans create in our own minds. When following a few simple procedures and techniques attunements given by phone or remotely can be just as powerful and effective as in-person ones. There are many practitioners starting to work remotely with people around the world, not being limited by time and space. They know they can positively affect a person’s etheric and physical bodies and mind through the power of focused intention and thought.
Connecting in with a person’s Higher Self energies (their highest non-physical sense of Self) can be viewed as simply a form of telepathic communication or etheric travel. This “connecting in” process is, in a sense, automatically handled through the web of consciousness and connectedness that exists for all of if you knew the individual’s “etheric address” and made a connection with him/her through the power of your intention. An important factor in this process is to “connect in” with a person’s highest aspect of Higher Self energies. To do this, one can use the tool of the “Divine Tuning Fork” (as described in this manual) for connecting in “from a distance” with a student for an attunement.
Perspectives on the Buddhic Ray energies - The delivery system for Buddhic healing energies is a combination of the basic vibration level of the energy being delivered and the ability of the recipient to receive that level of energy. Therefore, the quality and clarity of thoughts and intentions determine one’s ability to be an effective recipient for healing energies. Developing this clarity as a “conduit for energies” is a crucial step along the way toward mastering the use of energies as a Buddhic Ray recipient. A recipient exercises his/her intentions through thoughts, non-verbal talk, and visual imagining and, in doing so, becomes clear enough to be able to operate from a place of unconditional love and non-judgment. As a person raises his/her vibration through Lightarian Ascenions Bands™ and taps into higher and higher aspects of the Buddhic energy spectrum, the recipient naturally becomes a clearer and better vessel for his/her Higher Self to anchor more fully into ones day-to-day life.
Lightarian Ascension Bands™ Bridge
What is the Lightarian Ascension Bands™ Bridge? - Lightarian Ascension Bands™ Bridge is an attunement for those that are registered with the Lightarian Institute as Lightarian Reiki V&VI Masters and wish to facilitate the Ascension Bands™ for others. The Ascension Bands™ are for those that are not on a Reiki path, yet still wish to work with Ascended Master Buddha personally. If someone receives the Ascension Bands and wishes to receive Reiki, they will need to start at the beginning of the Reiki journey. There is not a bridge from the Ascension Bands to Reiki; only a bridge from Lightarian Reiki V&VI to the Ascension Bands™.
If you are registered as a Lightarian Reiki V & VI Master and want to offer this program you need one attunement, namely Ascension Bands™ Bridge.
There are five attunements which provide angelic inspiration and support, while assisting you in embodying their pure angelic qualities and expanding them into all areas of your life.
An Angellink is a simple, etheric energy connection, established during a simple guided meditation that is permanently established between an individual and a particular angelic being. In general terms, the Angellinks have been inspired by Seraph Rose Aura and the Archangels in this energetic way and are empowered to share the Angellinks with others serving as a conduit for propagating these angelic qualities and patterns throughout humanity.
This connection could be viewed as a specific event, which launches an energetic process as you begin to integrate new angelic energies into your energy fields. An Angellink creates a unique, empowering relationship between the angelic being and all levels of your energies. (Guideline 7 days apart)
- Rose Aura Angellink - Rose Aura has inspired the creation of these angelic connections to facilitate the spread of unconditional love, non-judgment and other angelic traits around planet Earth. More specifically via the Rose Aura Angellink, her intention is that a “flame of divine of unconditional love” be deeply anchored into your energy fields. This energy is fully expanded within your heart and then lovingly passed along to others! In a holistic sense, as you begin to operate at a higher vibration of angelic unconditional love of self, your experience of living, will become more joyous and loving! And as you open-heartedly share this with others, you will experience a deeper richer sense of service in the Light than before.
- Archangel Michael - Archangel Michael is perhaps the best known of the Archangels. His presence, interaction and support for virtually every human culture on planet Earth has been documented over eons of time. Archangel Michael’s divine theme is also “Love” assisting in two areas. His principle focus provides us with the highest vibrational energies of “non-judgment” for humanity. The secondary is to support and encourage you regarding your possible interests in telepathy, channeling and conscious travel into the etheric realms.
- Archangel Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel’s dominant theme is “angelic joy”. Archangel Gabriel focuses on joy as a simple state of being that we are all capable of discovering in ourselves!. He is here to teach us to take time to recognize and experience the exciting joys that abound for us and to manifest new and exciting levels of joy in our day to day lives. He can help you to find what “makes your heart sing”. Even the most mundane activities can be more divinely experienced when you operate more fully in the state of joy. Gabriel will assist you in communicating more effectively, guiding you to speak more from your heart rather than the mind or the emotions!
- Archangel Raphael - Archangel Raphael’s theme is “courage” with a focus on “divine healing”. Archangel Raphael will stimulate this highest vibrational quality of refined, pure courageous action within us. This Angellink will help you “light your way” so that you can clearly see the challenges, hurdles and potholes along the way and the spiritual rewards that lie ahead. Archangel Raphael assists you with the process of healing, returning to natural balance in all areas of your life.
- Archangel Uriel - Archangel Uriel Archangel Uriel’s theme is “Heart shaped box of angelic beauty”. Archangel Uriel heightens your “feminine side” with the senses of angelic openness, patience, acceptance and receptivity existing in your life, including your sense of self in fresh new ways. Archangel Uriel can also help stimulate your masculine side of beauty, appreciation and with creativity.
Lightarian Rays ™
These six attunements, energetically accelerate your Spiritual Development connecting you with the Ascended Masters, each in a simple guided meditation session. Each Ray has a particular focus and intention to support an essential aspect of your personal development with more grace and joy than you would naturally experience.
Much like a musical instrument can be tuned, via the Lightarian Rays your subtle energy fields can be “attuned” with higher vibrational energies of the Masters. The energy work set in motion by these attunements cumulatively creates an ongoing, long-term transformational process for you. Once you are attuned via the Rays, the Masters serve as your guides in the background, all in complete collaboration with your Higher Self energies. (Guideline 7 days apart)
- Empowerment Ray – provides you with a “spiritual wake-up call” of the highest order! This attunement from Ascension Master Maitreya, will deepen your sense of self and support you in getting clearer about who you are and why you are here during these special times. It serves as the foundation for the next Rays.
- Clearing Ray – launches a thorough clearing of adverse energy patterns in your auric field. Via the equivalent of etheric laser surgery. Ascended Master El Morya will orchestrate the removal of your adverse soul programming, undesired belief structures and your most challenging mental, emotional and physical patterns.
- Healing Ray – attunes you to Ascended Master Buddha’s energies for healing, self-compassion and balance, launching a complete holistic healing process for you.
- Activation Ray – will stimulate ongoing and subtle new spiritual initiations. This energy work will prepare you to integrate higher aspects of your divine potential into your day-to-day life with Ascended Master Sananda.
- Manifestation Ray – assisting you to step forward into higher spiritual service and create abundance in all areas of your life. Ascended Master St. Germain will be serving in the background as your etheric Spiritual Coach and Counsellor.
- Source Ray – accessing Divine Virtues embodied by Source, fulfilling your personal “divine mosaic pattern of energies” for the coming times. The Virtues are the vibrational “building blocks” for human experience within our Universe. The Virtues are: Beauty, Compassion, Courage, Curiosity, Imagination, Joy, Justice, Love, Loyalty, Power, Purity and Will.
Lightarian Reiki ™
Once you have completed the foundational teachings of Usui Reiki, you will now be ready to move up through higher levels.These higher frequency healing energies will flow to the most appropriate places within your subtle energy fields and physical body to stimulate the healing process in ways that will serve your highest and greatest purpose. Many aspects and levels of your physical and subtle bodies will be affected by these healing energies.
The vibrational nature of the Lightarian Reiki energies - There are many types of Reiki available today. They include some form of energetic attunement with higher vibrational healing energies. From our perspective, all of these systems for delivering Reiki energies emanate from the Ascended Master Buddha. Through the channeling process, we have learnt that there are a total of eight vibrational bands of Reiki healing energies, much like there are distinct primary color bands associated with the spectrum of visible light. Usui and Karuna Reiki represent the first two vibrations in the overall vibrational spectrum of Reiki energies. Lightarian Reiki occupies the six upper vibrational bands.
Lightarian Reiki which has been brought forth from Ascended Master Buddha at this time to awaken humanity during these transformational times, as humanity enters a new phase of its experience. Lightarian Reiki is being offered in order to accelerate our personal healing process, raise our vibration and prepare us for higher service. (Guideline 30 days apart)
Here is a direct channeled quotation from Ascended Master Buddha: - "It is my intention to reawaken humanity to the sacred levels of higher vibrational bands of Reiki-to assist humans as they enter this new phase of their existence. My heart’s desire is to have the use of Reiki Ray clarified, demystified and expanded. I offer this special gift of Lightarian Reiki to all humans to accelerate their healing, raise their vibration and prepare them to become the new human species".
- Buddhic Boost (Pre-requisite to Lightarian Reiki).
- Lightarian Reiki I & II
- Lightarian Reiki III
- Lightarian Reiki IV
- Lightarian Reiki V & VI
Lightarian Ascension Bands ™
This program offers six Bands of divine Buddhic energies, without being on a Reiki path. The sacred levels of higher vibrational energy accelerate healing, raising individual vibration and supporting the process of Self expansion through this new phase we have moved into. (Guideline 21 days apart)
- Level I - Creates the discerning opening to the first Band of the Buddhic Band of energies.
- Level II- Increases Internal, External and Celestial Communications.
- Level III - Begins in a profound way the Ascension / Descension process.
- Level IV- Introduces higher vibrational levels and Anchors in a direct relationship with Gaia (the Mother Earth).
- Level V - Further moves individual into higher vibritional levels. Anchors direct attunement based relationship with Godhead energies.
- Level VI - Recipient attuned to final vibrational Buddhic Band energies. Ascended Master Sananda introduced and Divine Healing Chamber is erected to be used as future integration tool for Ascension / Descension process.
Note: Ascended Master Buddha is not to be confused with the incarnational, historic Buddha. The Ascended Master Buddha is a divine and god-like creator source energy with an infinite number of sparks of consciousness. So when we refer to Ascended Master Buddha we are referring to one of the huge spiritual beings of the Ascended Master Realms and not the lower incarnational Buddha that most people are familiar with. The incarnational Buddha was simply a tiny aspect of the greater energy of the Ascended Master Buddha.
Who can receive Lightarian Ascension Bands™ and how is it passed to them?- Anyone is able to receive the Lightarian Ascension Bands™. This program is designed to be received by those that are on a true Self-Actualization path.
Lightarian Ascension Bands™ are passed along from the Lightarian Ascension Band™ Facilitator/Teacher to students via a program consisting of two parts....a Question & Answer (Q&A) Style Training followed by an energetic Attunement. The Q&A Training can be provided in-person, by telephone, or E-mail. The Attunement is in the form of a simple guided meditation...where no symbols are used or needed...and can be delivered in-person, by telephone or remotely.
How can Attunements be given by telephone or remotely, and how effective are they? - When given by phone or remotely, Lightarian attunements are simply an extension of the principle of working energetically at a distance. There are no limitations in transcending time and space except the ones that we humans create in our own minds. When following a few simple procedures and techniques attunements given by phone or remotely can be just as powerful and effective as in-person ones. There are many practitioners starting to work remotely with people around the world, not being limited by time and space. They know they can positively affect a person’s etheric and physical bodies and mind through the power of focused intention and thought.
Connecting in with a person’s Higher Self energies (their highest non-physical sense of Self) can be viewed as simply a form of telepathic communication or etheric travel. This “connecting in” process is, in a sense, automatically handled through the web of consciousness and connectedness that exists for all of if you knew the individual’s “etheric address” and made a connection with him/her through the power of your intention. An important factor in this process is to “connect in” with a person’s highest aspect of Higher Self energies. To do this, one can use the tool of the “Divine Tuning Fork” (as described in this manual) for connecting in “from a distance” with a student for an attunement.
Perspectives on the Buddhic Ray energies - The delivery system for Buddhic healing energies is a combination of the basic vibration level of the energy being delivered and the ability of the recipient to receive that level of energy. Therefore, the quality and clarity of thoughts and intentions determine one’s ability to be an effective recipient for healing energies. Developing this clarity as a “conduit for energies” is a crucial step along the way toward mastering the use of energies as a Buddhic Ray recipient. A recipient exercises his/her intentions through thoughts, non-verbal talk, and visual imagining and, in doing so, becomes clear enough to be able to operate from a place of unconditional love and non-judgment. As a person raises his/her vibration through Lightarian Ascenions Bands™ and taps into higher and higher aspects of the Buddhic energy spectrum, the recipient naturally becomes a clearer and better vessel for his/her Higher Self to anchor more fully into ones day-to-day life.
Lightarian Ascension Bands™ Bridge
What is the Lightarian Ascension Bands™ Bridge? - Lightarian Ascension Bands™ Bridge is an attunement for those that are registered with the Lightarian Institute as Lightarian Reiki V&VI Masters and wish to facilitate the Ascension Bands™ for others. The Ascension Bands™ are for those that are not on a Reiki path, yet still wish to work with Ascended Master Buddha personally. If someone receives the Ascension Bands and wishes to receive Reiki, they will need to start at the beginning of the Reiki journey. There is not a bridge from the Ascension Bands to Reiki; only a bridge from Lightarian Reiki V&VI to the Ascension Bands™.
If you are registered as a Lightarian Reiki V & VI Master and want to offer this program you need one attunement, namely Ascension Bands™ Bridge.
the intermediate journey
- Purification Rings ™
Embrace the continuing process that will follow as your spiritual development will be accelerated even further as this higher vibration of pure Seraphic energy expands within your energy fields. (Guideline 7 days apart)
- Blue Flame Wholeness - Heart Chakra (Shepherd's Crook)
- Reformatting communication – Crown Chakra (Crystal Skull)
- Removing fear – Spinal column (Silver Line)
- Releasing grief – Heart Chakra (Rainbow Circle)
- Divine Beauty – Heart Chakra (Blue flame Bliss)
- Creating Magic – Throat Chakra (Gold Musical note)
Lightarian Clearing ™
The clearing process of six attunements expands your awareness on much deeper levels, gently yet effectively and completely clearing all of the adverse etheric energies stored in your subtle bodies, chakras and the physical body … much like peeling the layers of the proverbial onion! (Guideline 30 days apart)
Level 1 – Path Clearing - Each individual has their own unique "limiting path construct" that defines the boundaries and obstacles for the incarnational experience. This "construct” provides the framework for the challenging life scenarios needed to be experienced. Within this "construct" we generate an extraordinarily complex interwoven fabric of limiting programs, restrictive belief structures and their associated adverse mental, emotional and physical stored energies. The vast majority of all of our adverse etheric patterns are stored in this interwoven fabric or "tapestry" within our chakras and subtle bodies. To facilitate our clearing work, we use the term "Shadow Tapestry" to define all the adverse energetic elements that block us as we move along our spiritual path. So, as we clear the path via our Level I, we are simply releasing the "Shadow Tapestry"!
The energies of Ascended Master EI Morya and Archangel Raziel collaborate with us during level 1 and all subsequent attunements.
Once Level 1 is launched, we begin accessing deeper layers of adverse energies that are being stored. These deeper levels of adverse stored energies represent a far "smaller" load on our energy fields, when compared with the primary impacts created by the upper etheric programming with all its related belief structures and stored energies.
Although these secondary adverse energies typically represent a smaller part of our adverse etheric burden, they can manifest as very potent, lingering patterns stored (1) within the four lowest chakras and subtle bodies, (2) in the physical body in the form of very deeply ingrained etheric adverse patterns and also (3) interestingly enough, in some of our highest vibrational levels as subtle attachments, misalignments and veilings.
We offer you a brief overview of the more advanced levels of clearing work that have been developed.
Level 2 - Birth-Pattern Removal - When the fetus emerges from the womb, it carries along with it four mini chakras and the beginnings of the four lower subtle bodies ....
- a physical etheric body with its energy center of the 1st chakra.
- an emotional body with 2nd chakra
- a mental body with 3rd chakra
- the 4th subtle body and 4th chakra where fetal belief structures are stored.
The divine energies of Gaia, the Earth Mother, participate during the Attunement at this level.
Level 3 - Template Clearing - This level focuses on the clearing of these deepest of adverse patterns stored in the form of very subtle, yet powerful energies intimately linked to the physical body ... we call it the "Etheric Template for the Physical Body". These energies form an etheric "double" of the physical body and basically could be viewed as the sum total of all of the tiny auric fields of every cell of the physical body. This is the most fundamental level of non-physical energy patterning we have found that coexists with and is essential to the vitality and very life of the physical body! Lightarian Template Clearing releases the adverse patterns from this etheric "body double."
We call upon the energies of Gaia, Ascended Master Sananda and Ascended Master Buddha to collaborate with us during this attunement.
Level 4 - Attachment Removal - After further clearing has taken place for the individual, we are able to access the next level of very subtle, thread-like etheric energies to be cleared. These energies appear to spread out from the outermost boundaries of each of our subtle bodies, linking and attaching themselves to the various external physical and etheric patterns and forms that we have interacted with over the years. For simplicity we call them "attachment" energies! In general, for individuals who have not done a lot of clearing work, these attachment energies can range from thin etheric cords all the way to thick cable-like tentacles. For others, especially those who have done substantial clearing work, they can look like a delicate, residual layer of wispy threads that emerge from your fields and "attach" into the energetic patterns of both the physical and etheric planes.
Level 5 - Lineage Clearing - At this advanced level, we are able to access a very unusual, very subtle higher vibrational pattern which seems to pervade throughout our fields, even to the highest levels of our spiritual connection back to Source energies. It's as though all levels of our energies have a very subtle distortion or out-of-balance condition which "colors" their energetic structure. This "distortion" is best described as an adverse belief structure that is held at all of our levels of Self and "colors" our experiences in a particular way. For one individual, an example of this could be "Life is a struggle!" For another, it may be "I'm not worthy!". This attunement clears this energy.
Level 6 – Veil Removal - As we anchor into this plane and create our lives here, each of us has a “point of conscious awareness” that serves as a “witnessing” into this plane of experience. A part of you is in a “witnessing” mode, watching your life unfold – both etherically and physically.
We find that, metaphorically speaking, this “watcher” aspect of you acquires a pair of “rose-coloured glasses!” You could refer to it as the “veil”! It’s a little bit of distortion that is present that represents a “veil” over the witness point – like a contact lens with a little distortion or imbalance to it, that creates a lack of clarity as you “see your life”. Through veil removal, we assist in clearing the energy imbalance and enabling you to create a higher level of clarity. Level 6 Clearing work cleans the “contact lens!”
the advance journey
Lightarian Gateway ™
Lightarian AngelLinks Extensions ™
Lightarian Rays Extensions ™
Lightarian AngelLinks Extensions ™
Lightarian Rays Extensions ™