Lightarian™ Ascended Master Track
Lightarian Clearing™The clearing process of six attunements expands your awareness on much deeper levels, gently yet effectively and completely clearing all of the adverse etheric energies stored in your subtle bodies, chakras and the physical body … much like peeling the layers of the proverbial onion! (Guideline 30 days apart)
Level 1 – Path Clearing Each individual has their own unique "limiting path construct" that defines the boundaries and obstacles for the incarnational experience. This "construct” provides the framework for the challenging life scenarios needed to be experienced. Within this "construct" we generate an extraordinarily complex interwoven fabric of limiting programs, restrictive belief structures and their associated adverse mental, emotional and physical stored energies. The vast majority of all of our adverse etheric patterns are stored in this interwoven fabric or "tapestry" within our chakras and subtle bodies. To facilitate our clearing work, we use the term "Shadow Tapestry" to define all the adverse energetic elements that block us as we move along our spiritual path. So, as we clear the path via our Level I, we are simply releasing the "Shadow Tapestry"! The energies of Ascended Master EI Morya and Archangel Raziel collaborate with us during level 1 and all subsequent attunements. Once Level 1 is launched, we begin accessing deeper layers of adverse energies that are being stored. These deeper levels of adverse stored energies represent a far "smaller" load on our energy fields, when compared with the primary impacts created by the upper etheric programming with all its related belief structures and stored energies. Although these secondary adverse energies typically represent a smaller part of our adverse etheric burden, they can manifest as very potent, lingering patterns stored (1) within the four lowest chakras and subtle bodies, (2) in the physical body in the form of very deeply ingrained etheric adverse patterns and also (3) interestingly enough, in some of our highest vibrational levels as subtle attachments, misalignments and veilings. We offer you a brief overview of the more advanced levels of clearing work that have been developed. Level 2 - Birth-Pattern Removal When the fetus emerges from the womb, it carries along with it four mini chakras and the beginnings of the four lower subtle bodies .... (1) a physical etheric body with its energy center of the 1st chakra, (2) an emotional body with 2nd chakra, (3) a mental body with 3rd chakra and (4) the 4th subtle body and 4th chakra where fetal belief structures are stored. These etheric energy fields bring forward into the new life a variety of strong, deeply ingrained patterns, both of a "positive" and an "adverse" nature. These patterns have been acquired from many sources ... the physical lineage, genetics, tribal belief structures, mass-consciousness emotional and mental patterns, etc. Adverse residues of these earliest of birth-patterns remain in the individual's lower vibrational fields and removed with Level 2. The divine energies of Gaia, the Earth Mother, participate during the Attunement at this level. Level 3 - Template Clearing This level focuses on the clearing of these deepest of adverse patterns stored in the form of very subtle, yet powerful energies intimately linked to the physical body ... we call it the "Etheric Template for the Physical Body". These energies form an etheric "double" of the physical body and basically could be viewed as the sum total of all of the tiny auric fields of every cell of the physical body. This is the most fundamental level of non-physical energy patterning we have found that coexists with and is essential to the vitality and very life of the physical body! Lightarian Template Clearing releases the adverse patterns from this etheric "body double." We call upon the energies of Gaia, Ascended Master Sananda and Ascended Master Buddha to collaborate with us during this attunement. Level 4 - Attachment Removal After further clearing has taken place for the individual, we are able to access the next level of very subtle, thread-like etheric energies to be cleared. These energies appear to spread out from the outermost boundaries of each of our subtle bodies, linking and attaching themselves to the various external physical and etheric patterns and forms that we have interacted with over the years. For simplicity we call them "attachment" energies! In general, for individuals who have not done a lot of clearing work, these attachment energies can range from thin etheric cords all the way to thick cable-like tentacles. For others, especially those who have done substantial clearing work, they can look like a delicate, residual layer of wispy threads that emerge from your fields and "attach" into the energetic patterns of both the physical and etheric planes. Level 5 - Lineage Clearing At this advanced level, we are able to access a very unusual, very subtle higher vibrational pattern which seems to pervade throughout our fields, even to the highest levels of our spiritual connection back to Source energies. It's as though all levels of our energies have a very subtle distortion or out-of-balance condition which "colors" their energetic structure. This "distortion" is best described as an adverse belief structure that is held at all of our levels of Self and "colors" our experiences in a particular way. For one individual, an example of this could be "Life is a struggle!" For another, it may be "I'm not worthy!". This attunement clears this energy. Level 6 – Veil Removal As we anchor into this plane and create our lives here, each of us has a “point of conscious awareness” that serves as a “witnessing” into this plane of experience. A part of you is in a “witnessing” mode, watching your life unfold – both etherically and physically. We find that, metaphorically speaking, this “watcher” aspect of you acquires a pair of “rose-coloured glasses!” You could refer to it as the “veil”! It’s a little bit of distortion that is present that represents a “veil” over the witness point – like a contact lens with a little distortion or imbalance to it, that creates a lack of clarity as you “see your life”. Through veil removal, we assist in clearing the energy imbalance and enabling you to create a higher level of clarity. Level 6 Clearing work cleans the “contact lens!” Contact Linda to arrange your Attunements or complete the Online Booking Form |