Lightarian™ Angel Track
Lightarian™ Purification RingsThese six attunements are inspired by the highest levels of Angelic Realm called the Seraphim, in order to work through a strong, direct link with humans during the current accelerated times. These connections infuse the qualities of unconditional love, wholeness, harmony, beauty and bliss within your energy fields to anchor and advance your spiritual development on the new Earth.
Embrace the continuing process that will follow as your spiritual development will be accelerated even further as this higher vibration of pure Seraphic energy expands within your energy fields. (Guideline 7 days apart) Blue Flame Wholeness - Heart Chakra (Shepherd's Crook) Reformatting communication – Crown Chakra (Crystal Skull) Removing fear – Spinal column (Silver Line) Releasing grief – Heart Chakra (Rainbow Circle) Divine Beauty – Heart Chakra (Blue flame Bliss) Creating Magic – Throat Chakra (Gold Musical note) Contact Linda to arrange your Attunements or complete the Online Booking For |